Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Facebook Social Networking

I have been a member of Facebook for a little over 2 years now and I must say; with this helpful tool, I was able to keep in touch with some of my former highschool, primary school and former college friends. With facebook, you can find friends by searching for their name and you can find mutual friends by looking at their profiles. Social Networking , however , does have its downfalls as well. Much of your personal information and personal activities can be made public for everyone in your network to see. There have also been reports of employment contracts being jeopardized due to a bad raport being displayed on social networking sites. In my opinion however, you must follow correct online etiquette when displaying any personal information online. I try to practice not putting too much details on my profile. All in all, I believe that one of my favorite sites of all time is facebook, it provides the user with an online album which you can share with friends who are many thousand miles away as well as a mechanism to keep in touch with new and old friends.

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