Wednesday, April 8, 2009


With youtube, you can look up almost anything. Youtube has allowed many people become overnight celebrities. A rapper by the name of Soldier Boy became an overnight success gaining more popularity than some bigtime artists just by creating a video blog and uploading videos weekly. Currently some mega artists are seeking the same avenues that Soldier Boy pursued and releasing their music video previews on Youtube. Similarly, some independednt film makers realise the crisis the film industry is going through and are taking similar steps. Alex Jones, an indeendent film maker, has created many documentaries and makes all of them available on you tube in full length and now in HD. This is a new feature, you can view the excellent DVD quality in Wide Screen on youtube now. On my youtube profile, I have subscribed to a few accounts of my favorite users, namely, I enjoy watching music videos from some indy artists and am kept up to date on their new songs and when they are coming to town. I can send the video to someone who i think can appreciate it and unsubscribe to that artists videos when i lose interest.

The beauty of choice!

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